The Weigh-in
I don't usually give a damn about the world around me. I leave the weight of the world for other people's shoulders but I feel the need to vent about a couple current UW issues.
WPIRG: Fuck em. Both Yes and No teams. Both sides are populated by sarcastic jackasses who don't move me one way or the other. It seems the Yes team are a bigger jackasses, or at least less ninja-like, what with them being disqualified and all. My vote's going to Team No care of Paul Lehmann's logic. The problem isn't WPIRG, it is the fee situation in general. That said, I also agree with Andrew Dilts that Feds should not officially support one side or the other.
I wonder who from the Yes team gets to keep the bill, now that they're getting zero reimbursement? I guess Weber had better start striking more FEDS fees, he's probably strapped for cash. Now, I am biased, but any douche who thinks that Imprint isn't a worthwhile investment is, well, a big fat douche. We should have a referrendum to strike Nick Weber from existance, or at least go back in time and abort him.
Abortion: Fuck em. The government should systematically eradicate all fetuses. Just kidding, although that's what Stephanie Grey thinks I believe when I say that I'm pro-choice. The Genocide Awareness Project is certainly one GAP that I don't want to fall into. That's where the Pro-lifers are getting those lovely T-shirts with the abortion pictures on them. I take issue with those shirts. They aren't changing anyone's mind, nor do barricades juxtaposing abortion and the holocaust; another Grey brain baby that should've met a coathanger(brutal? Perhaps. Apparenly two can play that game...). Are those picures even real? Who in their right mind would let someone photograph their aborted fetus? She showed a room full of debate spectators a whole video of abortions that could've easily been fake for all I know. Lies for lives? Is this a paw at the greater good? I've always found utilitarian morality to be a little, well, grey.
As for my official opinion on the subject: abortion is something I do everything in my power to avoid. Life is precious, but I have a tough time distinguishing 1st trimester fetuses from appendicies; they all look like organs to me. Of course, my opinion doesn't really matter. I've never had an unwanted pregnancy to deal with and therefore have no capacity to understand the issue fully.
I have a handful of ideas: I know I know nothing. I believe in choice. Practically speaking, with respect to the tangible consequences, an abortion is the same as an appropriately used condom(no unwanted child). The notion of abortion as birth control still scares me. We don't know if the soul exists at all, making it ridiculous to attempt to determine at what point a fetus has a soul. It is a sensitive subject; let's just say I don't plan to knock anyone up any time soon.
Gays in the military: my prognosis? Deeeelicious! Ok, I have no real opinion here.
There, that's my opinion. I hate having opinions, I'd rather just get along. Come on guys, I think we all could use a hug.
This post is full of cursing and otherwise inflammatory writing.
I loved it.
I met someone that's friends with Nic Weber. I know where he lives (Somewhere on Bridge St.)
If "YES" comes after CKMS and Imprint, you better believe they'll be hell to pay.
That GAP website is disturbing. :-S
Seriously Dave, I'm in for any hooliganism you might have in mind ... we could blame it on WPIRG
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