I guess I'm going to Hell then...
Machinegun-wielding Ninja-hookers? Sickfuck Child molesting hobgoblins? Noble but ruthless do-gooders? Yeesh, Sin City is an awesome movie. Great cast, compelling story and the most amazing cinematography I have ever seen. This movie doesn't look like a comic book, it is a comic book. Just one that moves and talks. See it. There's three storylines, there's gratuitous violent but oddly no swearing. That's all you need to know. I'm seeing it again for the second time in two days tonight.
so I figure it is now is an appropriate time for me to revamp my top 10 movies of all time.
in no particular order
1.Sin City - I know its new, but its so damn good.
2.The Princess Bride - The guy from Columbo is in it!
3.Fight Club - Awesome. The book is also awesome.
4.Donnie Darko - I still don't know what the hell happens at the end of this movie. It leaves a lot to the imaginaion, which is awesome.
5.Anchorman - I cried laughing the first second and third time I saw this movie. That's gotta count for something.
6.True Lies - The quintessential action flick. It has terrorists, Arnie, jets, explosions, spy stuff, sex, he even rides a horse at one point! But the real reason I give this flick the nod is for the relentless cheesy one-liners.
7.Wayne's World - I will never need to watch this movie again, I have seen it so many times. It has shaped who I am.
8.Dark City - This one is halfway to the dark comic style of Sin City, but still great. It's got Keifer! and Jennifer Connonly...
9.High Fidelity - A movie as bitter as me! John Cusack is brilliant.
10.Chasing Amy - I just picked one Kevin Smith flick, but all of them could make this list(even Jersey Girl). Chasing Amy is my fave because nothing is resolved and everything sucks in the end. How like life? SIGH
Well, I have my ideas, but they never explicity explain it, so I'll never know for sure. I enjoy the fact that they don't spell it out for you.
Dude - don't go looking on the net trying to figure out what the movie is. The best part of that flick is that you make your own conclusions about it. Reading too much into it will ruin it.
Watch "Almost Famous", "This is Spinal Tap" and any Wes Anderson movie and then you'll have to change that list... again..
Sin City was good, but c'mon. The Princess Bride? It was good when you were like 10. Fight Club is one of the most pretentious, overrated films, ever. Donnie Darko? Pseudo-Faux-Wannabe-Philosophers like this film. Anchorman? Funny, but not actually a good movie. True Lies? Can't argue with this. Arnold Is a sexual man. Wayne's World? See Anchorman. Dark City? Keifer is sexuality wrapped in a brutish exterior. High Fidelity? See Donnie Darko but replace philosophers with music snobs. I loathe Chasing Amy.
Wow, what the hell do you like? By your reasoning, I'd guess masculine porn.
I pick these movies not because I think others will like them, but for the sheer enjoyment I experience when I watch them. I note the philosophical BS in Fight Club(by the way, Matrix was way worse), but that aside, it is still an amazingly well made movie. I actually cried laughing the first time I saw Anchorman.
I wouldn't say these are the best movies, they are just the ones I love the most.
Indeed, what do you like? Ironic how pretentious your own post is, when this is what you complain about in the afore-mentioned film choices.
Or maybe not so ironic - "pretentious," after all, is often a word that "pseudo-faux-wannabe" film critics use when something goes over their heads.
-Ian B.
Ian B you can suk my dick asshat. Scriptkiddie.
lol - you suck, anonymous.
(please note correct spelling of "suck")
-Ian B
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