Thursday, April 06, 2006

You know you're a rhetoric student when... find stuff funny that "common folk" AKA normal people just don't get. I found myself in a 7-11 trying to explain to a couple cashiers the humour in their two sandwich bar names. See one's called "hearty choices." Sounds good! I'd expect to be full, maybe a bit too full, but that's alright, there's always later. And the other is called simply "better choices." Hearty choices beside better choices. Which one will I choose? X or X+1? It's poor marketing on 7-11 and funny for me, but they didn't get it. One of them said "better choices are more salady." It hurts me that I couldn't explain that.

p.s. word of the day = salady (adj): pertaining to salad


At 1:13 PM, Blogger Margatron said...

That lady was so straight-faced. I swear she must have been having a bad day or something. She didn't even crack a smile!

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Valacosa said...

I should post the picture somewhere for all to see. I need to dig that picture off my camera...

At 5:49 AM, Blogger Mason said...

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At 5:50 AM, Blogger Mason said...

Funny how all college students think the same...Cause I know me and my friends would have thought the same way. Too bad there's no 7-11 in Halifax

Sucks about your car. The ministry is useless. It would have to be to let a road rager like me pass his G2 and G with no problems


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