Imprint Party!

come here after the staff lunch, that address again is 47 Academy Cres.
If you get horribly lost, my phone number it 883-7-388.
For a closer look at the map, it's here
food for thought
Summer term ends: July 29th, 2005
...yeah, I'll take hockey back. Yeah, I will still be a Leaf fan come next september, just don't expect me to congradulate them for solving their own problem. I only hope the league actually survives.
Fuck ice
Friday was a blast from the past at Bomber. Some UW alumni were celebrating somebody's 40th b-day. Sarge threw on the "Retro Mix," and they started breakdancing. 40 year-old white dudes breakdancing to Everybody Wang Chung Tonight is just about the funniest fucking thing on the plantet. I had my doubts that they were actually former students here, but in the middle of Take on me, while a guy was spinning on his back, a Blackberry fell out of his pocket. Yup, definitely UW guys. Apparently these dudes were 20 year alumni, meaning they graduated in 1985. I was born in 1985. I feel some cosmic connection here, I just don't know what it is.
Leave it to the Black Eyed Peas to once again revolutionize the North American dialect Sometimes I wonder if these guys have gotten retarded to the point that they acutally are now retarded.
...Jesus was a euchre player. He went alone on nothing and took all the apostles to school in their six-team tourneys(Judas sat out). Aside from feeding the hungry, curing lepers and that wine making one, it was his coolest miracle. Like I'm talking ace, ten, off-ace, he'd make it on the fucking king! The three wise men? yeah, they were just looking for a fourth...